Project Marketing Advisory Services
Most experienced and motivated Peris’ team combines in-depth market knowledge with professional expertise.
Our extensive experience on drafting and implementing marketing strategies in real-estate market insures that your project will have complete marketing support in preliminary phase and during active lease process creating optimal platform for long term project’s profitability.
Project marketing advisory services include: SWOT analysis, competition and location analysis, project positioning proposal and identification of ‘Unique Selling Points’ (project recognition which will be indentified and underlined in communication during leasing process); target identification (which tenants – natural persons and companies will be contacted during leasing process); proposal on marketing materials and proposal on marketing channels; proposal on marketing activity and events, proposal on PR activity with aim of building project’ credibility; activity time-line and expected budget for project marketing.
Peris Llc will coordinate entire marketing process, advertising and public relations and regularly inform and consult the client during this process.
The client bears the cost of designers or marketing agency engagements for the purposes of marketing materials or advertising operationalization.
If you need more information or have an inquiry